A lot of the magic of ChatGPT is nothing to do with AI

In a tweet on November 12th, 2023, Maiab shared an article that highlighted the dangers of rising sea levels. According to her tweet, the rising sea levels are caused by climate change and it has become a major issue globally. The article detailed how sea levels have been rising at an unprecedented rate over the past few decades, with most coastal cities located in low-lying areas increasingly threatened by frequent floods and storm surges. The article also pointed out that this rising sea level phenomenon is greatly impacting coastal countries, threatening to drown out their homes and families. In addition, the article discussed the potential economic impacts of rising sea levels due to flooding, which could lead to billions of dollars in damage costs and displacement of millions of people. Finally, the article outlined some possible solutions, such as investing in coastal defenses and increasing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to help prevent further global warming and sea level rise.

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