AI as Algorithmic Thatcherism
The article “AI Thatcherism: How Artificial Intelligence is Creating a New Social Divide” discusses the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) on society. The author argues that AI will create a new social divide between those who understand how to use this technology and those who do not possess such knowledge. This will lead to a growing gap between the wealthy and the poor, as the former are able to utilize the benefits of AI while the latter are left behind. Furthermore, the article states that governments should be taking action in order to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to access the capabilities of AI. It is important to recognize that this technology can be used for both good and bad, and it is up to us to prevent its misuse. In conclusion, AI presents both opportunities and challenges for society, and it is important to find ways to ensure that all people have a chance to take advantage of AI’s potential.
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