AI-created "virtual influencers" are stealing business from humans
In the year 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) has created a new industry of virtual influencers (VIs). VIs are digital representations of people that have been created by AI and are used to promote products and services on social media and other online platforms.
These VIs have quickly become popular, as they provide an attractive alternative to real-life influencers who may be expensive to hire or difficult to contact. VIs are cheaper and can be customized easily. They can also create content much faster than a human influencer.
However, some people are concerned about the effects of VIs on businesses. They worry that these digital avatars will take away business from traditional influencers, as companies choose to use VIs instead. This could lead to job losses, as real-life influencers are replaced with VIs.
Others argue that VIs are just another form of marketing and should be viewed as such. Even though VIs do not have a physical presence, they can still engage with customers and reach out to audiences in ways that human influencers cannot. In this sense, VIs might even bring more business to companies.
At the same time, it is important to remember that VIs are still nothing more than computer programs. They are unable to develop relationships with customers like a real-life person can. Additionally, VIs can never truly replace humans when it comes to creating genuine content that resonates with audiences.
Overall, AI-created VIs are a growing trend in the world of influencer marketing. While they offer some advantages over traditional human influencers, it is important to understand their limitations and consider the potential consequences for businesses and real-life influencers.
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