Be My Eyes uses GPT-4 to transform visual accessibility

Be My Eyes uses GPT-4 to transform visual accessibility

Be My Eyes is an innovative mobile app that connects blind people with sighted volunteers for visual assistance. The app, which was launched in 2015, has provided over 4 million minutes of visual support to blind and low-vision individuals from all around the world.

The way Be My Eyes works is simple. Blind people open the app and are connected with a sighted volunteer. Through video chat, the volunteer can see what the blind person sees through their phone camera, and then help them with any tasks they may need assistance with. This can range from reading food labels to helping find a dropped item. Volunteers are available 24/7 and can provide assistance in more than 180 languages.

Be My Eyes also works with businesses to offer additional services to their customers. For instance, Amazon has partnered with Be My Eyes to provide visually impaired customers with extra help when ordering products online.

In addition to providing practical assistance, Be My Eyes also aims to combat social isolation and build relationships between visually impaired people and volunteers. Many users report feeling a sense of connection and joy after using the service.

Be My Eyes is a powerful example of how technology can be used to bridge gaps between people and create meaningful connections. It has become one of the most popular apps for visually impaired people, demonstrating the potential of technology to make life easier and more enjoyable. By allowing volunteers from all over the world to lend a hand, Be My Eyes has created a global community of care and solidarity — and it’s just getting started.

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