Behind the scenes scaling ChatGPT – Evan Morikawa [video]

The video "What is AI?" by TEDx Talks provides an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The speaker explains that AI is the ability for computers to make decisions based on data, and can be used to automate tasks and make predictions. AI is currently being used in fields such as healthcare, finance, security, and transportation, and could have far-reaching implications for our daily lives. AI works by using algorithms to identify patterns in data and then form conclusions or make decisions. It can also compare different data sets to find correlations between them. This enables it to detect trends and make predictions, as well as recognize certain objects and images. Additionally, the speaker notes that AI is not perfect and can sometimes act in ways that are unexpected or even dangerous. He stresses the importance of using AI cautiously and responsibly. All in all, this video provides a clear and accessible introduction to AI and its potential applications.

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