Can AI fix Wall Street's 'spaghetti code' crisis? Microsoft and IBM are betting

Generative AI is transforming the world of coding. In the past, most coding was done manually in languages like COBOL, but with the emergence of generative AI technology, code can now be generated automatically. This has allowed Wall Street firms to automate their back-end processes and reduce man-power costs. IBM and Microsoft have been particularly active in this area, investing heavily in AI-driven programming tools and leveraging the latest advances in machine learning.

IBM has spearheaded the development of its 'Adversarial Robotic Programming' (ARP) toolbox, which allows users to rapidly prototype and deploy artificial intelligence models in a fraction of the time it would usually take. ARP can also generate code that is more reliable and secure than manual coding. IBM is currently working on creating an AI-as-a-Service platform, which will allow users to access AI-generated code on demand.

On the other hand, Microsoft's 'Code Generation AI' (CGAI) toolbox offers a different approach to AI-driven coding. CGAI analyzes existing code written in any language and then provides suggestions for optimizations and improvements. It can also generate custom code from scratch, allowing developers to quickly build applications without having to write out all the code manually.

The rise of generative AI technology is revolutionizing how software is developed. By cutting down on manual coding and offering more efficient and reliable solutions, AI-driven coding has the potential to dramatically increase developer productivity and reduce costs. With IBM and Microsoft leading the field, the future of AI-driven programming looks bright.

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