ChatGPT got significantly worse this week

In a recent post on Reddit, users expressed concern over OpenAI's decision to create a faster version of GPT-4. The new model, GPT-5, is expected to be more powerful and efficient than its predecessor and could potentially increase the speed with which AI systems can process data.

Users fear that this technology could lead to increased automation, making it difficult for humans to compete with machines in certain fields. They also worry that, while GPT-5 may bring advancements to the field of artificial intelligence, it will further widen the gap between the haves and have-nots.

The discussion had been going on for some time before it was highlighted by this Reddit post, so it is clear that many people are concerned about the implications of faster AI systems. On the one hand, faster AI can provide valuable services to people and businesses, but on the other hand, it could put human labor at risk.

This debate has raised questions about the ethics of developing faster AI systems. Should we be striving towards faster AI systems if they might have detrimental effects on humanity? Is it ethically responsible to invest in a technology that could create massive wealth inequality or threaten global stability?

The conversation on Reddit has picked up momentum and is still ongoing. People have different opinions on both sides, but no one can deny that the development of faster AI systems opens up a range of ethical dilemmas and that these need to be discussed more widely. It is important to consider the potential implications of faster AI systems and to ensure that the technology is regulated in such a way that everyone benefits from its positive effects.

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