Conversational AI for Understanding the Universe is an artificial intelligence platform that automates mundane and complex tasks such as scheduling, booking meetings, travel bookings, and more. was founded in 2014 by Dennis Mortensen and his team of engineers to create a smarter assistant for busy professionals. The platform uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand the user’s needs quickly and accurately.

The core product from is the AI-powered assistant called "Grok". Grok is designed to simplify and automate tedious tasks such as finding a time to meet with other people, coordinating logistics, and completing various administrative tasks. Grok can understand users' preferences and their calendar availability, and send automated messages on behalf of the user to book meeting times or schedule events. Grok has integrations with popular cloud storage and messaging services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Slack, and Outlook.

Grok's AI algorithms are continuously being improved to provide a better user experience. For example, Grok can now understand real-world context, take into account corporate policies, and adjust for cultural differences when arranging for meetings. Other features include intelligent task management, allowing customers to easily manage multiple tasks in one place and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

Overall, provides an intelligent assistant that can automate mundane and complex tasks like scheduling, booking meetings, travel bookings, and more. It uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand the user’s needs quickly and accurately.'s AI-powered assistant, Grok, simplifies and automates tedious tasks so that users can focus on more important tasks. With its intelligent task management feature, Grok ensures that nothing slips through the cracks. With continuous improvement, is a great choice for anyone looking to save time and increase productivity.

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