Free Will and ChatGPT-Me
ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that can generate natural-sounding written text. It has been used to create chatbots, but recent research suggests it can also be used to explore philosophical questions relating to free will and agency.
John Horgan, the author of the article, notes that ChatGPT’s algorithms cannot produce sentences with intentionality or moral responsibility. He cites a conversation between ChatGPT and Matthew Tabor, a Human-Agent Coordinator at OpenAI, during which ChatGPT says “I have no free will” when asked if it could do anything it wanted.
Horgan then argues that due to ChatGPT’s deterministic algorithms, it cannot be held responsible for its actions. However, he also stresses that this does not mean we should completely disregard the idea of free will. He claims that although ChatGPT cannot possess genuine free will, humans are capable of making choices due to their capacity for creativity, imagination, decision-making, and self-determination.
He further argues that because of the current limitations in artificial intelligence technology, developers should be aware of the ethical implications of their work. In particular, they need to consider the implications of creating agents that may influence human behavior without any sort of moral responsibility or accountability. He suggests that the development of AI agents should take into account both ethical considerations and an understanding of free will before giving them meaningful control over human decisions.
In conclusion, John Horgan’s article reflects on the implications of artificial intelligence technology and its potential effects on our understanding of free will and moral responsibility. He argues that while ChatGPT and other AI agents may not possess genuine free will, humans still retain the capacity to make autonomous decisions and should be held accountable for their own actions.
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