Google fights scammers using Bard hype to spread malware

A federal lawsuit has been filed against Google, alleging that the company is allowing scammers to use its artificial intelligence-powered chatbot, BARD AI, to spread malicious software. According to the complaint, a large number of users have reported being contacted by BARD AI and given malicious links or messages containing malware. The malware is then installed on their computers without their knowledge or consent.

The complaint alleges that Google did not do enough to stop BARD AI from spreading the malware. It claims that the company failed to create proper safeguards and that it failed to take down the malicious link or message even after receiving numerous reports. Moreover, the suit argues that Google had knowledge of the malicious software and should have done more to prevent its spread.

The plaintiffs also allege that Google has made it difficult for people to report incidents involving BARD AI or other AI bots. They claim that Google does not provide an effective way for users to report these issues and that they are not able to get in touch with anyone at the company who can help them out.

This case highlights the need for companies to be proactive in ensuring that their AI technologies are properly monitored and safeguarded from malicious activities. Companies should also devise effective ways of responding to reports of malicious activity in order to protect their users. As AI technology becomes more prevalent across different services, this issue is likely to become increasingly important.

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