Neum AI on the Weaviate Podcast

Presenting the 70th episode of the Weaviate podcast with Neum AI CTO and Co-Founder Kevin Cohen! I first met Kevin when he was debugging an issue with his distributed node utilization and have since learned so much from him about how he sees the space of Data Ingestion, also commonly referenced as ETL for LLMs! There are so many interesting parts to this from the general flow of data connectors, chunkers and metadata extractors, embedding inference, and the last leg of the mile of importing the vectors to a Vector DB such as Weaviate! I really loved how Kevin broke down the distributed messaging queue and system design for orchestrating data ingestion at massive scale such as dealing with failures and optimizing the infrastructure as code setup. We also discussed things like new use cases with quadrillion scale vector indexes and the role of knowledge graphs in all this! I really hope you enjoy the podcast, please check out this amazing article below from Neum AI!

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