Poro-34B: Open-Source Multilingual (English, Finnish) & Code LLM

Poro is a family of open models by Silo.ai that are designed to bring European languages to the forefront of the AI revolution and make them more accessible than ever before. The idea behind Poro is to provide an integrated, open-source toolset for any language, so that it can be used to build applications or machine learning solutions which can be tailored to the specific needs of a given language. This will enable any developer to customize their models to their own requirements.

Poro currently supports 15 European languages, including German, Spanish, Dutch, French, Italian, and Portuguese. These languages are supported both in terms of model training and development, as well as in terms of translation and conversational applications.

For the training and development aspect, Poro provides a variety of tools to make model training easier. These include a variety of pre-trained models, a library of scripts to help with model customization and tuning, and an API to access the model and make predictions from data. Developers can also use the Silo.ai Dashboard to manage their models and monitor their training progress.

In terms of translation capabilities, Poro includes state-of-the-art neural networks for translating from English to the other 14 languages, as well as from one of the other languages to English. It also has a feature called "multi-language translation" which allows users to translate between two languages at once. Additionally, Poro offers support for conversational applications, providing natural language understanding and dialog management capabilities.

Overall, Poro offers a comprehensive suite of tools to bring European languages to the front of the AI revolution, making them more accessible and versatile than ever before. Whether you are a developer looking to create custom models, or a user interested in using accurate translations and natural language processing capabilities, Poro is the tool for you.

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