Run your own ChatGPT(EleutherAI/GPT-j-6B) on your MacBook M1

This article explores the possibility of running GPT-j on an M1 MacBook. GPT-j is a powerful open source natural language processing toolkit developed by OpenAI and released in 2020. It is designed to be used with other machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras.

The M1 MacBook is a laptop computer made by Apple that was released in November 2020. It is powered by the M1 chip, which is an advanced ARM-based processor optimized for low power consumption and high performance. This makes it an ideal machine for running ML software such as GPT-j.

In this article, we’ll discuss the steps necessary to get GPT-j running on an M1 MacBook. First, we’ll install the necessary tools from Homebrew. Then we’ll set up our environment and create a virtual environment for GPT-j. Finally, we’ll use Homebrew to install GPT-j and all its dependencies.

To begin, you need to install Homebrew on your MacBook. Homebrew is a package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation of software on Macs. To install Homebrew, open Terminal and run the following command:

1/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Once Homebrew is installed, you can install Python 3 and TensorFlow using the commands below:

1brew install python3
2pip3 install tensorflow

You now have the necessary packages installed to begin running GPT-j. The next step is to create a virtual environment for GPT-j. This will allow you to run GPT-j without having to install it globally on your system. To do this, open Terminal and run the following command:

1virtualenv gptj_env

This will create a new directory called gptj_env in your home directory. Now, we need to activate the virtual environment by running the following command:

1source gptj_env/bin/activate

Now, you can install GPT-j and its dependencies using Homebrew. Run the following command to install GPT-j:

1brew install gpt-j

That’s it! You should now be able to run GPT-j on your M1 MacBook. For further information about GPT-j, check out the official documentation available at

In conclusion, running GPT-j on an M1 MacBook is possible. By installing Homebrew, setting up a virtual environment, and installing GPT-j and its dependencies, you can easily get started using GPT-j on your M1 MacBook.

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