GPT is an unreliable information store

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI which has been trained on Wikipedia and other sources to generate human-like text. In this article, Noble Ackerson discusses the potential implications of such language models, arguing that they could be used to manipulate people into believing false information. He also suggests that this could lead to a loss of trust in technology, as well as an increase in suspicion and paranoia among users.

Ackerson argues that with language models like ChatGPT, it's possible for humans to be completely duped into believing something that isn't true. For example, if a chatbot were to say that "I am dead," it would be taken literally since language models are not capable of understanding context or irony. This could easily lead to a situation where users are tricked into believing false information, leading to potential risks to their personal safety, security, and wellbeing.

The article then goes on to discuss how ChatGPT can be used for nefarious purposes. The author suggests that malicious actors could use the model to spread misinformation or even create fake news stories. He also outlines how these language models could be used to generate convincing arguments or speeches, potentially leading to mass manipulation and exploitation.

Finally, Ackerson warns of the implications these models have for our society. He believes that these models can be used to create an artificial environment where citizens are manipulated into believing lies and accepting what they are told as fact. He implies that this could lead to a complete breakdown in trust between citizens and their governments, as well as amongst each other.

In conclusion, Ackerson is concerned about the potential misuse of language models such as ChatGPT, and the implications they may have on our society. He believes that the power of language models should be contained, and that measures should be taken to ensure that people are not tricked into believing false information. He also believes that more research should be done in order to explore the ethical implications of using language models in order to prevent abuse.

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