Mark Cuban lays into the AI hype, saying tools like ChatGPT will only worsen online misinformation

Mark Cuban lays into the AI hype, saying tools like ChatGPT will only worsen online misinformation

Mark Cuban, a billionaire investor and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, recently spoke out about OpenAI's new ChatGPT chatbot technology. According to Cuban, the AI-powered bot could worsen online misinformation by making it easier for people to spread false information.

Cuban is concerned that because ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based chatbot, it has the capability to generate false or misleading content on its own. He believes this will make it easier for people with malicious intent to spread false information, resulting in even more confusion and chaos online.

To combat this problem, Cuban called on OpenAI to be more responsible with their product. He suggested that they use a system of checks and balances to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the content generated. He also asked them to be aware of how the chatbot is being used and take action against those who are using it for nefarious purposes.

The issue of online misinformation is an increasingly pressing one, with reports showing that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that at least some online news and information is actively being manipulated. This could have serious consequences for democracy and public trust in the media.

With all this in mind, OpenAI should consider the potential implications of their technology and the role they can play in curbing online misinformation. They should take Cuban's advice and put safeguards in place to prevent the spread of false information through ChatGPT. The implementation of such measures could help reduce the amount of confusion and chaos produced by online misinformation and ultimately improve discourse and understanding across the internet.

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