Move over, Siri: Apple’s new audiobook AI voice sounds like a human

Move over, Siri: Apple’s new audiobook AI voice sounds like a human

Apple has unveiled a new AI voice for audiobooks that it claims sounds human-like and is capable of producing authentic vocal inflections. The voice, dubbed “Samantha”, is the first-ever AI voice created specifically for audiobook narration.

Samantha was trained using machine learning algorithms and millions of hours of audio data from professional narrators. This data was used to create a deep neural network that can generate speech in a more lifelike manner than traditional text-to-speech systems. Samantha is able to mimic natural pauses, intonations, and emotions, making her sound more like a real person.

In addition to audiobooks, Apple plans to use Samantha for other types of content such as podcasts, music, and even interactive video games. The company also hopes that the technology will be used to help teach people with cognitive disabilities how to communicate.

Apple’s goal is to make listening to audiobooks more enjoyable, by providing a personal experience. With Samantha, listeners will be able to enjoy an experience similar to reading a book, with a narrator’s voice that is immersive and engaging.

Samantha is just one part of Apple’s larger strategy to make their products more accessible and intuitive. The company has made significant investments in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning. These technologies are designed to allow users to interact with their devices in a more natural way.

The announcement of Samantha is the latest in a series of major breakthroughs in AI and machine learning. By leveraging these technologies, Apple is positioning itself to become a leader in the future of digital media consumption. It’s clear that the company is committed to creating experiences that are not only intuitive but also emotionally engaging.

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