Using Computer Vision to Destroy My Childhood High Score in a DS Game

Computer vision is a powerful tool that has the potential to revolutionize gaming. Recently, a gamer used computer vision to achieve an incredible feat: he used it to beat his childhood high score in a Nintendo DS game.

The gamer, Xentier, managed to overcome a difficult challenge that had eluded him for years: beating his high score on the Nintendo DS game Advance Wars: Dual Strike. By using computer vision and some clever programming, Xentier created an algorithm that enabled him to play the game almost perfectly.

First, Xentier used computer vision to detect the position of the enemy’s units. Then, he coded an AI that would decide which moves to make and how to move the player’s units. With this AI, Xentier was able to beat his previous high score, smashing the records and achieving awesome results.

Not only did Xentier prove that it is possible to use computer vision and AI to improve gaming experience but he also showed the potential of computer vision. This technology can be used not only in gaming but also in many other fields such as autonomous vehicles, surveillance systems and medical imaging.

Xentier’s accomplishment shows what can be achieved when advanced technologies are combined with a passion for gaming. The possibilities are endless and the future of gaming looks brighter than ever. Computer vision and AI have the power to revolutionize the gaming industry and take gaming to the next level.

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